Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Time Flies so Fast

Daddy is already on his 13th day at Arkansas...12 days ago I was crying to death, I thought I will not make it. Thank God He's there to give me strength. Thank God I have kids as my inspiration and thank God VIDEO CALLING is existing!
We were doing fine now. But sometimes I feel like I'm still dreaming of what's happening in my life. I still can't believe we're living without husband on our side. I still can't believe he was away from us and not sure when we will surely be together.
Our plan is to go there together, but things changed for so many reasons. We plan to go after him after several months. Target month is AUGUST but it is not as easy as we plan. God Bless us. He is the only one who could say and plan things for us.
So....he's 13 days there and 13 days we're doing okay so far.
Just have to wait for more days...more weeks and months...hopefully not a year!
Can't wait anymore!!! Hahahaha! I am so excited and I miss my husband!

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